February Meeting and Newsletter

Newsletter for February 2025
Best wishes to all for a happy, heathy and productive New Year.
The first meeting of the Society in 2025 will be held at the Royal Hotel, 5.30pm on Tuesday, 18th February.
The speaker will be Graham Wilson and his chosen topic is,
“The Rise and Fall of the Tupperware Company in America”.

The February 2025 Newsletter is available to download.

August Meeting and Newsletter

The next meeting of the Society will be held on Tuesday 20thAugust, 5.30pm at the Royal Hotel. The speaker will be Wendy Beck, whose talk is entitled  Aboriginal Archaeology in New England.   Wendy has an extensive research background ascertaining aboriginal food resources, studying indigenous and plant archaeology and will share some of her interesting findings from work carried out in North-East New South Wales.  Don’t forget to order meals prior to the meeting.

The August newsletter is now available to download:

July meeting and AGM

The next meeting of the Society will be held on Tuesday the 16th of July at the Royal Hotel and will incorporate the 2024 AGM.  Elections will be held and nominations for executive and committee members will be welcomed.

The speaker will be Pearl Moffat whose interesting life has included experiences of  the early days of commercial flights with East-West airlines. Her talk is :Changes in our time and Fairy Tales we have seen Come True

Visitors are welcome and, if staying for dinner, order your meal prior to the meeting.

The July newsletter can now be downloaded:

April meeting and newsletter

The next meeting of the society will be on Tuesday, 16th April 5.30pm at the Royal Hotel, when the speaker will be Dr Margaret Small who will present a talk entitled The World War II Land Settlement Scheme.

Margaret’s considerable research on land settlement in the New England includes the history of Government Soldier Settlement Schemes, together with their implementation, successes and shortcomings and families who were involved.

Please order meals prior to the meeting to allow dinners to be served at 7pm.

The April newsletter is now available to download:

March meeting and newsletter

The next meeting of the Society will be on Tuesday 19th March at 5.30pm at the ROYAL HOTEL, corner of Marsh and Beardy Streets.
‘Revisiting New England’
The speakers will be from the ‘mapping group’ who have been working on the project to establish the exact boundaries of the original New England runs. See the newsletter (link below) for more about this proect.
If those wishing to stay on for dinner could place their meal orders prior to the meeting, it will facilitate the provision of meals arriving together at 7pm.

February meeting and newsletter

The February meeting will be held at 5.30pm on Tuesday, 20 February.
The meeting will be held at the ROYAL HOTEL in a room on the right of the bar.
Note that the Imperial Hotel is closed for renovations until further notice, hence the change of venue.
Meals will be available at the Royal Hotel after the meeting and it is best to put in your
order prior to the meeting to assist the staff and to avoid waiting time.

The speaker will be Jesse Dick, providing the fascinating history of the house at 148 O’Dell
Street, which he purchased some years ago in a derelict state and has renovated with care
and respect for its circa 120 years of age. Maybe a drive past the house prior to Jesse’s talk
will add to the appreciation of his story of the restoration.

The February newsletter is now available for download:

October Meeting and Newsletter

The October meeting of the Society will be held at the Imperial Hotel on Tuesday, 17th October commencing at 5.30pm.  The speaker, William Oates, will give a talk, ‘Lost Buildings Captured’ which will be accompanied by photographs which have preserved their images.  Ordering dinners on arrival at the meeting will assist the kitchen staff.

The October newsletter is now available for download:

September meeting and newsletter catch up

The next meeting of the society will be on Tuesday, 19th September, 5.30pm at the Imperial Hotel. Wayne Zikan, Regional Fire Brigade Inspector, will give a talk on The Armidale Fire Birgade.

Wayne has recently published a book, A Call to Fire, chronologically based on reports of fires in Armidale since 1891. Some copies will be available ($35) at the meeting. Wayne was Commander of the Armidale Fire Station for ten years and is now a Regional Commander.

If you are having a meal at the Imperial, the chef would be grateful for as many orders as possible to be made prior to our meeting to allow more preparation time for the kitchen staff.

There is exciting news about the Heritage Centre in the September newsletter can be downloaded below – as can the July and August newsletters. My apologies for the delay in uploading them.

June Meeting and newsletter

The next meeting of the Society will be at the Imperial Hotel, 5.30pm Tuesday 20th June. The speaker will be Dr Thomas Fudge, professor of Medieval History at UNE who has delved into the diaries of a former dean of St Peters’ Cathedral in Armidale, Evan Wetherall (1912 – 1989). Wetherall recorded diverse entries including clocks, dogs, student and religious life, realising that ‘later on, people will wonder’…’and historians of the future will not be able to see the picture at all’. From Wetherall’s perspective, Thomas Fudge’s talk is: Reflections on Life in Armidale- a view from the Deanery 1961-1970. All are welcome and dinner at the Imperial is available after the meeting.

The June newsletter is available below: