

The annual subscription is $55.00 ($65.00 if the Journal is required to be posted). Please download the form below, complete and return to the Society.

Information for New Members

Monthly Newsletters
The monthly newsletter is available by email, on this website, or by post. It includes information regarding the next monthly guest speaker, news about activities of local interest and a short historical article.
Monthly Meetings
During February to October, monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday o{ the month. Meeting times and venue are announced on the website and in the newsletter. Each month features a guest speaker speaking on a topic relevant to the history of Armidale and District.
Armidale District Historical Society Resource and Meeting Rooms
The Resource Centre is staffed by volunteers who are passionate about Armidale and District History and cover a broad range of historical interests and knowledge. New Volunteers always welcome. “Open whenever the Green Arched Door is open.” Usually 10 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 4 pm Monday to Friday (Subject to Volunteer availability).
The Dumaresq Shire Resource Centre is available for members to use for research (formal and informal), and socialising. Small Second-hand bookstall. Small photographic displays of Historical photographs.
Annual Journal
A copy of the Journal produced annually by the Society. The Journal is based on the topics covered in Monthly meetings, articles of Armidale District historical relevance and selected book reviews.
Back copies of the Journal
We also have available (limited numbers) copies of previous years’ journals from No 2 to current. Index to Journals – a really useful guide to articles from previous years.
Copies of Books published by Members
We have some books that have been published by Armiclale & Disf ict Historical Society Members. These are available through Dumaresq Chambers.
Annual Excursion
An annual full-day bus excursion is arranged to an area of interest.